Showing posts with label #Danube Strategy #EUSDR #EUSDRDCSF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Danube Strategy #EUSDR #EUSDRDCSF. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2019

8th Annual Forum of EUSDR - Danube Strategy, Romanian Presidency, 27-28th of the June

As a key event of the 2019 EUSDR Presidency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania is jointly organized together with the European Commission and the Danube Transnational Program (DTP), between the 27th and the 28th of June 2019 in Bucharest (Palace of Parliament), the 8th Annual Forum of EUSDR. The event will stand under the motto: “Building cohesion for shared prosperity in the Danube Region”.

The 8th Annual Forum covered topics of particular importance for the Danube region such as connectivity and regional mobility, the fostering of clusters’ development, research and innovation, digitalization, People to People contacts and tourism. The second day of the Forum was dedicated to post-2020 EU policy design, with a focus on the role of Interreg DTP and of the ESI Funds for the region. Emphasis was placed on the possibilities of creating better synergies between macro-regional strategies and EU programs and policies in the framework of the new Cohesion Policy. Discussions over new opportunities for enhancing funding for macro-regional strategies also featured in the program prominently.
  1. The Public Hearings Workshop and the dedicated session about the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan allowed stakeholders to take stock of the ongoing progress of the Revision Process and at the same time to become involved more in shaping the Strategy’s future by sharing concrete proposals for the final stage of EUSDR’s Action Plan Revision. To this purpose, public consultations organized by the Danube Strategy Point with the support of the Romanian EUSDR Presidency.
  2. The Forum preceded by a Ministerial meeting in the morning of the 27th of June, allowing the Ministers in charge of Economic Affairs from the EUSDR participating countries to share views and provide strategic guidance for enhancing competitiveness and economic convergence in the Danube region.
  3. The Ministry for Business Environment, Commerce and Entrepreneurship of Romania organized, throughout the duration of this event, an exhibition dedicated to promoting the best practices & success stories of transnational cooperation in the Danube Region.
  4. Business to Business (B2B) sessions organized for the first time within an Annual EUSDR Forum by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and its regional partners, represented by the Romanian Association for Electronic and Software Industry (member of the EEN), also with the support of the Romanian Ministry for Business Environment, Trade and Entrepreneurship and the European Commission/ DG GROW.
The 8th EUSDR Annual Forum continued the tradition of bringing together a balanced number of high-level officials and independent civil society experts from both the EU and non-EU countries sharing their expertise on current developments that could impact the Danube region.
Selection of speakers and facilitators has aimed towards the achieving of a gender/national/rural-urban balance and has been based on transparent, competitive, relevance-based criteria as well as on an inclusive process of cooperation with all the relevant Stakeholders.

Danube Civil Society Forum 5th General Assembly

25.06.2019 - 13:30 to 17:30, Bucharest

We are pleased to inform you that the 5th ordinary General Assembly of the DCSF held on 25 June 2019, in Bucharest, Romania.
The EUSDR and the Involvement of Civil Society and Local Actors: Structures, Strategies and Projects 
The Danube Region defined by the EU strategy encompasses 115 million inhabitants from 14 countries in the mainland of Europe, from Baden-Württemberg to the Republic of Moldova and Western Ukraine, from the richest to the poorest regions of Europe. The EUSDR addresses a wide range of issues. These are divided among 4 thematic pillars and 12 Priority Areas – ranging from transport to security, from qualification to research and competitiveness, from the environment to culture and tourism, from energy to the improvement of governance. Each Priority Area is managed by two countries as  Priority Area Coordinators (PACs) assisted by a steering committee representing all EUSDR member countries as well as relevant experts and organisations. Each country of the EUSDR has a National Coordinator (NC), who keeps an overview of the implementation of the strategy and its targets of the 12 Priority Areas in their country. 
Developing the “Guiding Principles of Civil Society in the Danube Region” eventually led in 2011 to the foundation and establishment of the Danube Civil Society Forum (DCSF) on the very day the EUSDR was officially launched in Budapest. This related to the actions of Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” in the EUSDR Action Plan. The DCSF serves as an umbrella organisation for the representation of civil society interests in the macro-region and is a platform for dialogue and networking amongst civil society organisations.
After almost 10 years as Vice President, Daniela Stojkovic Jovanovic step out from this position. The new Vice President came from Bulgaria. Congratulates to Mrs Iva Taraleckova, the new Vice President of Danube Civil Society Forum.

The Danube Participation Day 

The concept of the Participation Days in the EUSDR is based on Art. 11. TEU, committing the EU institutions to “give citizens and representative associations the opportunity to make known and publicly exchange their views” and to “maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society.
Danube Participation Days have been developed by the DCSF, representatives of organised civil society and local stakeholders, supported by Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation”. The Danube Participation Days, linked to the EUSDR Annual Fora, serve as the main meeting of civil society in the framework of the EUSDR and, since 2014, are organised every year as side-events to the EUSDR Annual Fora. The Danube Participation Day is jointly organised by the DCSF, Priority Area 10 in consultation with the Danube Local Actors Platform and in close coordination with the hosting country, the hosting city and the civil society organisations in the hosting country. The Danube Participation Day is open to all stakeholders from civil society and local actors as well as related international and European organisations and institutions and provides civil society and local actors with opportunities to connect and get involved in the implementation of the EUSDR. It reflects the debates and results of the National Participation Days and serves as a lighthouse of participation in the EUSDR governance structure. Since 2014, the Danube Participation Days grew in terms of participants and kept a broad thematic scope related to its core aim: enhancing the participation of local actors at all levels in the Danube Region.

Guidelines for Civil Participation in Political Decision-Making (2017) 

On 27 September 2017, the Committee of Ministers adopted guidelines aimed at promoting civil participation in political decision-making in the Council of Europe’s 47 member states. At a time when democracy is challenged by diminishing trust of people towards politicians and elites in general, one of the prerequisites for guaranteeing democratic security is to ensure the participation of all individuals and societal groups in political processes and decision-making. The new guidelines together with other existing texts such as Recommendation (2007)14 on the legal status of non-governmental organisations in Europe and the Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process, now form a solid basis for governments and civil society to work together to strengthen democracy.  https://www.coe.int/en/web/civil-society/guidelines 

The Danube Participation Days (EUSDR) The Danube Participation Days convenes decision makers, actors, stakeholders and addresses from all levels and policy fields connected to the Danube Strategy. The DPD emphasises the importance of Civil Society and local actors in the EUSDR and their transparent and regular inclusion in the opinion building, concerning the EUSDR and into their implementation. 


2019 Annual Forum of the European Union1 Strategy for the Danube Region Date: 27-28 June 2019 Venue: Bucharest, Palace of the Parliament (http://cic.cdep.ro/en)

“Building cohesion for shared prosperity in the Danube Region”
Our involvement:
THEMATIC SESSION 4: Boosting efficiency in connecting EUSDR key stakeholders and the civil society in the process of revising the EUSDR Action Plan (Conference Hall “N. Iorga”)
Keynote speaker: Mrs. Lena ANDERSSON PENCH, Director, DG REGIO – European Commission 
 Mr. Mikko LOHIKOSKI, Strategy Coordinator, Union of the Baltic Cities 
 Mr. Stefan LÜTGENAU - President of the Danube Civil Society Forum Austria 
 Mr. Miklos BARABAS, Director, European House, Hungary 
 Mrs. Liliana IVANOVA, Director, Odessa Regional State Administration, Danube Center for Sustainable Development, Ukraine 
 Mrs. Daniela JOVANOVIC, Vice President of the Danube Civil Society Forum, Serbia, President of the NGO World and Danube

Photos by Yulia Rubtsova

Monday, February 8, 2016

Viminacium, Serbia

Viminacijum je najznačajniji grad u rimskoj provinciji Gornja Mezija (Moesia Superior). Ovaj rimski grad je prestonica provincije, administrativni, vojni, trgovački i industrijski centar. Grada koji je imao status prvo municipiuma (municipium), a zatim i kolonije (colonia), odnosno grada sa punom autonomijom. Pored grada nalazi se kastrum (castrum) ili legijski logor – jedan od dve najveće fortifikacije u provinciji i centralna tačka u odbrani mezijskog Podunavlja. S druge strane jedinstveni naučni značaj Viminacijuma je u tome što nad antičkim ostacima nema savremenog naselja. Mogući su istraživanje i prezentacija jednog rimskog grada u svim njegovim segmentima. Beograd, Niš, Sremska Mitrovica nalaze se ispod savremenih gradova što onemogućava planska istraživanja, konzervaciju i konačno prezentaciju rimskog kulturnog nasleđa.

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Viminacijum is the most important city in the Roman province of Upper Moesia (Moesia Superior). This Roman city was the capital of the province, as an administrative, military, commercial and industrial center. City with the status of the first municipal (municipium), then a colony (Colonia), or the city with full autonomy. In addition to the town there is castrum (Castrum) or legionary camp - one of the two largest fortifications in the province and the central point in the defense Moesia Danube region. On the other hand the unique scientific importance of Viminacium is that of ancient remains has a modern village. Possible research and presentation of a Roman city in all its segments. Belgrade, Nis, Sremska Mitrovica are under modern cities which hinders the planning of research, conservation and final presentation of the Roman cultural heritage.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

About Danube!

With him and drenched into the muddy water of my river, with which I am living continuity, almost a full fifth decade.  From this and from the professional part of life, in which I am flowing, sinking, swimming, interfering with, entangled all the while defying geographical determinant of  powerlessly of  Zeus  river, Queen of all rivers, the mighty Danube. I could thanks to this commitment and the wonderful work as editor and publisher of the Magazine for literature and cultures of the Danube region "Sveti Dunav- Saint Danube" (1997-2012), and in rich romantic talk, present the Danube river in the next 1001 blogs...

International cooperation is an excellent tool in terms of faster mastering techniques of participation of Civil Society. Thus the influence of Civil Society in relation to the decisions makers from the Government's, as Regional and Local authorities become increase. Personally, I am proud of the role of observer which I "earned" in the long-term monitoring of international regulations related to the Protection of the Danube River, in the framework of the information spread on international law- International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, #ICPDR. Directive of water- The Directive provides the legal framework for enforcement of the protection of all waters including:
- Preventing further pollution and protect the cleaning, protecting and improving ii promotion paring status and the status of water resources,
- Promotes sustainable water use based on long-term sustainable use of water based on the long-term protection of resources,
- Increases security and improves the condition of the water quality mid environment through specific through specific measures for the progressive reduction effusion do not measure the progressive reduction of spills, emissions and losses of priority substances and the total abolition of any emissions of priority hazardous substances.  Therefore, the issues today are imposed and concerning the already signed international directives, laws and regulations were often made in practices on equally level in all countries of the Danube basin. Unfortunately, often we had the form of a denial of respect for them, as well as the absence of adequate punitive measures.
Good-quality water in Europe (EU Water Directive)

Wastewater Vojvodina

Current situation of waste water in Novi Sad, unfortunately, is a typical indicator of the situation in Serbia. City of Novi Sad not purified waste water Novi-Sad-not-purifies-waste-water.

Please note here the basic motto, which extends to almost all laws that are aimed at protecting the environment, and that is: Polluter pays! Temporary solution to citizens' initiative would have to support the need to go in the direction that the industry, with production and processing, as well as public companies must pay compensation to citizens for flagrant pollution of the Danube River. Until the construction of the plant for waste water treatment in major cities, public and private companies (companies) need to impose standards in the framework of ensuring adequate smaller plants for processing of defined waste water!

Central plant for waste water treatment Vrbas- Kula (CWWOF) was built and equipped (author's note. I have personally convinced that the realization of the construction of the plant 90%, but can not start the work because someone miscalculated and gave firm the promise of the European delegation in Serbia (which is 100% of funds investor, around 15 million euros) that the capacity required for waste water treatment provided during the period provided for the completion of the plant. The official announcement: After commissioning was put out functions. Mechanical equipment is physically damage and not functional. It does not fit into any solution. Um ... the  village in which I live for a while call by Dragon city – Zmajevo in north part of Serbia, the Province of Vojvodina, "belongs" to the Municipality of Vrbas.  But my village is not connection to sewage network!

Logical question is why a similar plant is not urgently done for the City of Novi Sad, in which, according to the last census, there are more than 336 000 inhabitants, unlike the Municipality Vrbas , with barely 46 000, recent facts presented by the current Secretary of the Assembly of Novi Sad , read that the city chose the plot (North IV) to build the plant. Concrete Questions  as follows: Is there a feasibility study? If so, it had to be given to the public for inspection.

If not, urgently initiate a commission for making the same. At one time I was a member of the international delegation, among theoretical debate organizer prepared for participants a working visit to the plant for waste water in the city of Vienna. From the last basin, Presenter caught water containing additional 0.3% impurities.

The plant for waste-water treatment in Vienna, The Citizens of Vienna, perfected for over 60 years. Generated: atmospheric, industrial and waste water passing, technical, chemical and biological treatment ...The ultimate goal is to restore clean water in the Danube.

The City of Vienna traditionally show sympathetic to Serbia in general, including the City of Novi Sad. Pretty much sure that the City administration of Vienna has sufficient capacity and willingness to help in the education and implementation of project facilities for waste water in Novi Sad, as well as in Belgrade. The implementation of the Danube Strategy at the local level could be through the implementation of specific projects of international importance to confirm the appropriateness and effectiveness of the Action Plan of EU Danube strategy- namely EUSDR.

Since I was personally convinced, a few years ago with the aim of administrative assistance to the population of the Municipality of Sremska Kamenica when cutting illegal sewage flows into the Danube and routing content to legal urban flows, (author's note. What comes to the same), I am familiar, in details with inextricably ball of string that make up the state, regional, municipal and provincial institutions, combined with inspections and public companies ... and believe me  "quixotic" business is engaging in unraveling in an attempt to find "important" responsibilities.


The Danube is an international river, the most international in the world, therefore the international factor is inevitable and a powerful lever in the implementation of signed agreements, directives and regulations in the legislative system of the Republic of Serbia.

Our state has the means to "force" the industry, which has not enough but a little, that as soon as possible the suspension of spills of dangerous substances into Danube, especially from industrial production like chemical industry!

Civil society must become an essential factor in the initiative to urgently address the issue related to the protection of public health and the first prerequisite is to protect the environment.

Water is the essence, water is life.

Civil Society asked and demand from the representatives of state functions to promote the realization, namely respect for international treaties, in particular the case of the Directive on water, and so the domestic law and legal regulations, for example. Water Act RS, as well as a number of newly adopted (and, or) changed that concerning the treatment of waste water, the Danube River Protection, Environmental Protection and others.


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